A Chapter 7 is the most common form of bankruptcy filing and is often called straight bankruptcy, or liquidation bankruptcy. It is designed to give people a financial “fresh start” and is one of the fastest ways to put an end to the financial crisis you've been dealing with.
Generally, Chapter 7 bankruptcy eliminates all non-priority debts and allows you to get on with your life. When filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, our clients can go from a consultation with an attorney to permanent debt elimination and fast!
If you have not filed bankruptcy in the past eight years, you have a Social Security number, your income is not significantly over the median for your jurisdiction, and you have lived in Georgia for six months, you can eliminate your debts through Chapter 7.
If you are ready to discuss your situation and learn about your options, call our office to schedule a phone, video, or in-person consultation at (770) 614-4811. Remember, the consultation is free at Pratt & Wall!
Under federal law, we are designated as a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code.
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(770) 614-4811
After-Hour Appointments Are Available in Some Instances
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